Featured Services

- Document Review
- Research of Current Case Law and Applicable Accouting Standards

- Analysis and Assessment of Litigation Risk
- Preparation of Expert Witness Reports

- Testimony for Court Hearings and Depositions
Specialized Accounting and Tax Litigation Consulting Services
Expert witnesses are an essential part of today’s litigious environment. Expert witness testimony, in cases of accounting negligence and tax litigation, can clearly demonstrate to the interested parties whether or not the actions in question happened the way they were supposed to. In deciphering the complexity of accounting and tax processes, the skills of an expert witness become essential in establishing the facts – thereby helping to move the process more efficiently to a fair resolution.
Rules governing practice standards for accountants are drawn from a multitude of sources. Recent court cases also have an impact on defining what actions constitute reasonable care of client matters. We offer a complete analysis of what can be complicated evidence and grey areas in the law. We will render a fair and reasoned opinion based on the information available and painstaking research of current rules and court cases.
Without skilled expertise to look beneath the surface and between the lines of your case, you may not obtain an accurate assessment of your client’s litigation risk exposure. Our thorough reports are backed up by understandable, yet well-reasoned testimony. Along with our unmatched experience, reliable analysis and quick responses, we will provide you with the highest level of professional service that will meet your specific needs. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Approved Ethics CPE Available Online for Texas CPAs
Managing Ethical Dilemmas for Texas CPAs is approved ethics CPE.
"... we settled the case. Your expert report was an integral part of getting the [opposing party] to settle. Thanks for all your hard work.”
Recent Developments
B&B v. Maddox
In an unpublished opinion, the Michigan Court of Appeals upheld in B&B v. Maddox, 2014 Mich. App. LEXIS 798 (2014) the lower court’s decision that there was no evidence that the outside CPA, had undertaken a fiduciary duty to “keep an eye” on the client’s controller. The court pointed out that the relationship between an accountant and client under Michigan common law is... read more
More Information
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